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SuperGoogleImages: a browser addon for Google Images

A browser-plugin/script to add features to Google images.

Watch demo video
Click to go to YouTube!

Key features:

All features

WARNING: everything is very experimental up till now, there is a major reboot coming soon of the script. Thanks to Google for changing their HTML every few months and making life difficult.

Also most of the features listed bellow are actually not working anymore

Other similar and promising projects:

I am also working on reverse engineering extracting the links for the full resolution images


UserScript (Tampermonkey)

  1. Install Tampermonkey for your browser (or any UserScript client).
  2. Click DOWNLOAD (or visit the RAW file url).
  3. Allow downlaods. (Optional) (Click to expand)
    • Enable Browser API.
      enable browser API beta

      • Go to the Tampermonkey options page
      • Scroll down to the Downloads section
      • Double-check the Whitelisted File Extensions setting to not contain file extensions of executable files
      • Select Browser API at the Download Mode option
      • A notification may come up, you need to click at it and to click confirm at the permission grant dialog
    • When prompted, allow the script to load images, click Always allow all domains (only needed once).
      allow connect permissions
  4. Open any google image search page and press on the button “Display originals” at the top (or hold Ctrl and hover over the images with your mouse)

On mobile

for mobile, download a browser that supports the tampermonkey addon like kiwibrowser and follow the same steps above

Browser extension

Not yet supported, but coming soon!


Below is a list of the available features, sorted by most useful first.

Download all the images

You can download all the loaded images as a zip file or indipendantly (although this option is not advised due to it causing crashes).
You can even specify the minimum dimension for images using the sliders (to only download large images for example).

Display original images

One of the most important features, replaces thumbnails with the original source images, even GIFs!

original images

Enhance the image panels

Adds the following features to the image panel:

image panel screenshot


Global hotkeys

Hotkey Action
O O Enable display original images
s s Force disable safe search (using

Panel-specific (hotkeys that work for an image panel when it is open)

Hotkey Action
o Display original images for current panel
UpArrow Go to previous related image
DownArrow Go to next related image
b search by image



Dec-2019 backend update

Google changed their webpage HTML AGAIN! :( And now the images aren’t in .rg_meta, they’re hidden somewhere deep in an array, this is called json transpose. And also the CSS selectors for the elements have been changed, they used to make sense but now they’re just gibberish.

Notes and observations:

Development TODO list

Actions that must be taken:

External Libraries

This script does use several other external libraries and scripts, they will be listed below with links to their sources.



these are used via UserScript @requires tags


Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004